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Welcome to the buckinghamhardware.com site. Buckingham Hardware (Buckingham's, Buckingham Hardware & Great Outdoors, Buckingham Pro Hardware) requests that you carefully read our terms of use and our privacy policy before using our web page. By using our web page you agree to follow our terms of use and our privacy policy as written. This site may contain information from and links to other sites of which Buckingham Hardware is not responsible for. In general, Buckingham Hardware is not responsible for the risks involved in using the internet. Buckingham Hardware does its best to keep the information presented on this site as accurate as possible but at the same time we are not responsible for information that may contain errors on this site due to human error or any other error and reserve the right to make changes to this site at any time without notice including but not limited to price and product changes. Additionally, Buckingham Hardware is not responsible for forward-looking statements that may be altered due to the economy, demand, supply, weather conditions, or any other reason. Buckingham Hardware also is not responsible for viruses, bugs, content error, loss of data, delays on the site, inability to view the site, or any other problems or issues associated with viewing a web site. Buckingham Hardware does not own and does not claim to own all of the content on this site and gives credit to Bostwick-Braun, Orgill, Henry's, and all other owners of material embedded within this site. The purpose of this site is to allow visitors to gain information about Buckingham Hardware and therefore this site shall not be used for any other purpose. By using this site you are agreeing to our terms of use and privacy policy and are giving Buckingham Hardware the right to change these statements at any time.